Developing Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Leaders judge their employees on two parameters-one is efficiency and other one is timeliness. These two parameters slower down the growth and productivity of employees. It also results into leaving the workplace and looking for the new opportunities in life. However, many leaders use the emotional intelligence to analyze the performance of their employees. And these components help them to understand the employee’s efficiency, hard work, target to achieve, and productivity.

Emotional intelligence plays an important role for leaders to find out the growth and increase the employee’s creativity. In this article, you will come to know the ways of developing Emotional Intelligence in Leadership.

Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence helps in holding the relationships in the long run. According to experts, it is the ability to manage emotions and control the emotions of others as well. Resultantly, it can foster the fruitful relations with friends and family. Therefore, emotional intelligence is extremely helpful in leadership.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership:

Leaders always consider that emotional intelligence is a skill to solve the problems in workplace. That’s why many leaders use emotional leadership style with others. The term was first used by John Mayer and Peter Salovey but gained huge popularity these days with the increase in the leadership role.

Experts believe that IQ (Intelligent Quotient), technical and communication skills are not required if the leader does not have emotional intelligence. The increase in the emotional intelligence compelled leaders to use the leadership style in their job and to spread the positive work environment.

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership:

It is noticed that many leaders have excellent communication and technical skills, but lack in emotional intelligence. As leaders have to run the organization, emotional intelligence becomes the crucial part of the skill set. Any organization where leader lacks emotional intelligence can’t survive in the business environ. This is the reason emotional intelligence is extremely important. Find out some more reasons below:

  • Emotional intelligence spread a positive work culture everywhere in the organization and thereafter enhances the productivity.  
  • It increases the growth and creativity in the workplace and amongst team members.
  • It encourages the team to show their best skills forward.
  • Emotional intelligence helps leaders to take right decision in tough times.

Components of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership:

Here is the list of components of emotional intelligence in leadership:

  • Self-Management: Self-management is another important component of emotional intelligence which helps in challenging the critical business situations. It is the ability to manage emotions during difficult situations. It also refers to the positive outlook in a leader in the adverse situations. Thus, self-management is pivotal in the leadership style. It helps a leader to tackle the difficult situation and teach them how to react and to remain calm and peaceful.
  • Social Awareness: A team work is required to run the business. Thus, leaders must know the business environment well. It also helps to formulate the business plans and adapt employees according to the market conditions. Social awareness is able to manage the emotions of the people in organization and outside organization. Thus, leaders who excel in social awareness must practice empathy. This helps them to understand the emotions of others and enable them to collaborate in an effective manner. Interestingly, compassion is a critical skill that leaders acquire all over the world. Experts believe that compassionate leaders are effective as this helps them to understand the human behavior.
  • Self-Awareness: It means the ability to understand the strength and weakness in the person. In addition to this, it also means self-awareness that makes a leader control their emotion to overcome the complex situation affecting the team. Besides this, leaders must be self-aware of their abilities so that they can control the team. It also helps to make right decision and increase the growth of the company.
  • Relationship Management: Relationship management consisted of abilities that help in resolving the conflicts and teach the team members. It also means a leader’s ability to keep the miscommunication far away. Employees look for the business enterprise with lesser troubles as it leads to job satisfaction. Thus, maintaining peace between the parties is the main aim of the leader.

In order to improve emotional intelligence, leaders must get aware of the above mentioned components. These days, leadership courses are also available which help to understand the above mentioned components. It helps people to tackle the problematic situation in an easy way.