Breaking the Silence: Encouraging Reporting Through POSH Training

Breaking the Silence Encouraging Reporting Through POSH Training

Sexual harassment in the workplace remains a common issue nowadays. It can have serious emotional, psychological, and professional consequences for victims.  Despite the existence of policies and laws designed to prevent and address such behavior, many incidents go unreported due to fear, stigma, and a lack of awareness about available support systems.  The Prevention of … Read more

Creating a Culture of Respect: How POSH Training Can Transform Your Workplace 

Creating a Culture of Respect

Every workplace should involve implementing training programs like POSH (Prevention of sexual harassment) to transform organizational dynamics positively and create a culture of respect among female and male employees. POSH training aims to build a culture of mutual respect, trust, and equal opportunity by educating employees about acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in the workplace. This … Read more

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Sexual Harassment

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a serious problem that affects the lives of humans. Unfortunately, there are several myths and misconceptions about sexual harassment that prevent victims from speaking up openly and attaining help. Let us find out the commonly spread myths about sexual harassment at workplaces, schools, colleges, and institutions. We will also discuss the understanding … Read more

International Perspectives on Sexual Harassment Prevention

International Perspectives on Sexual Harassment Prevention

What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is a health issue all over the world which affects the human life. Using prevention programs is complex, not requiring evidence-based practices and ethical standards, collaboration with local and non-government organizations. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual … Read more

What is POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

What is POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

Women make up the majority of our population, but they encounter various problems and disadvantages due to their gender and biases. They constantly endure manipulation and violence in a male-dominated society. Since ancient times, people in India have subjected women to abuse at many levels—social, economic, physical, psychological, and sexual. Before the implementation of the … Read more