How to Answer ‘Why do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?’

In most of the job interviews, a commonly asked question is why you want to leave your current job and pursue a new job. There can be many reasons for this question. You need to answer this question in the job interview or while resigning from the current job.

Prepare beforehand to avoid any inconvenience later. It helps your employer to understand the reason for the job change. In this article, we will discuss the answers to uncomfortable questions such as why you want to leave your current job.

Why do interviewers want to know the reason for the job change?

Many times, it is seen that interviewers want to know the reason for the job change, and here are the possible reasons:

Whether the candidate is responsible or impulsive

Employers are desperate to know why you left your job for instance, if the job is left to pursue your hobby. Employers hesitate to give you a position that needs a level of maturity and responsibility. On the other hand, if you have left your job and you were not utilized, it shows that your interest is high in taking up the new challenges and responsibilities.

Have you refrained from your job on your own?

An interviewer wanted to know whether you left your job on your own or your employer asked you to refrain. If it is a forced resignation, then the interviewer may ask you whether it is a disciplinary action or some unwanted situation, restructuring of the organization, cost-cutting reasons, etc.

Do you have good relations with your former employer?

The next question, interviewer asks is whether you have good relations with your former employer. If you have maintained a good relationship with the former employer, talk about them.

You can talk to your former employer and should tell about your good relations to the interviewer. Moreover, it reflects your positive attitude about your job. It also reflects your good attitude and interpersonal skills.

On the contrary, if you add an employer to your reference, it will leave a positive impression on the interviewer.

How to answer ‘Why do you want to leave your current job?

Here are some useful tips to answer the query, ‘Why do you want to leave your current job?’

Write the reasons for leaving

First, look at your CV and think of the reasons for leaving the job. Write the reasons for taking an exit from the previous job. If you fail to remember the reasons for any of the previous questions then ask the following questions:

  • What you do not like about your job?
  • Were you passionate about seeking the goals?
  • Why did you not join the job?
  • What were you expecting from the job?
  • How was the previous work environment as per your expectations?
  • Did your next job is as per your expectations?

Once you get the possible answer, you will get some idea about the answer; choose one or many reasons for your job.

Ensure that your reasons are professional. For instance, if you change the job because of your marriage, it is better to avoid such reasons for the job interview. In place of this, if your job consisted of night shifts, you can say that you wanted to acquire to day shift job.

Come to the point straight away

Rather than speaking too much, come to the point. Explain the reason for your exit in a line or two. Immediately, come back to the point and tell the reason why you are the right candidate for it.

Answer with honesty

The interviewer may contact to your previous employer and confirm your details about it. Any discrepancy in the information may affect your image before getting the job. Thus, be genuine and explain the reason with honesty.

Show the positive attitude

Even if you have left your previous job due to some reason, you need to answer in a positive manner. Show yourself as a problem solver who can handle any situation. Speak about your positive experiences you have achieved in your life.

Get ready for the follow-up questions

On the basis of the reasons for the job change, the interviewer may ask follow-up questions. For instance, if you express your desire to acquire a different job, the interviewer may ask whether you are looking for a desirable position.

In the same way, if you give your response for the outstanding issues that appeared due to miscommunication, the interviewer may ask about the steps to sort out your issues or your plan for preventing miscommunication.