How to Maintain Personal Hygiene?

People are becoming health conscious these days and so are hygienic habits. If we follow hygiene habits, we are leading a healthy life. By practicing hygiene around us, we are inculcating good habits to the next generation as well.

For better guidance about personal hygiene you can contact Skills ally they provide the best Personal Hygiene Training.

Do you want to know the extensive benefits of proper hygiene? This article will outline the essential hygiene habits, self-care routine, etc. Here are the details:

What is personal hygiene?

The personal hygiene benefits are beneficial for mental as well as physical habits. By keeping good personal hygienic habits, we are keeping our bodies clean and healthy. It is crucial to maintain our mental and physical health. Poor personal hygiene may affect our health and bring negative thoughts to mind. Therefore, it is crucial to keep good personal hygiene habits and leave aside the infection.

It is generally seen that people do not like to connect with the person with poor hygiene which further results in aloofness. Skills ally is there for you to improve your personal hygiene problem.

How to Maintain Personal Hygiene
How to Maintain Personal Hygiene

Different types of personal hygiene

There are various types of personal hygiene but here we will discuss a few:


Dental hygiene is connected to teeth. Proper care should be given to teeth. People may encounter cavities and gum disease which may lead to bad odor. The best way to overcome dental issues is to brush your teeth twice and regularly. Also, it is a great way to prevent dental problems.


The human body consists of different parts. We come across sweat, dirt, dust, etc which give birth to bacteria in the body. The sweat will further cause bad breath. The bacteria will break the sweat and give rise to a bad smell. Thus, taking a bath every day is essential. It will remove the dirt and dust from the body. The harmful bacteria will wash away by taking a bath. Besides this, wash the hair as well. You will feel fresh and clean once you take the bath.

Wash your hands

To wash hands after several activities such as eating, playing, cleaning the house, and shaking hands with people is highly suggested. By washing your hands regularly, you will find fewer chances of spread of the communicable diseases. Washing hands is recommended at the following levels:

  • Before and after preparing the meals
  • Before and after eating food
  • Before and after meeting a sick person
  • After and before treating a wound
  • After using the restroom
  • After changing the diapers
  • Once blowing of the nose is done
  • After coughing and sneezing
  • Soon after pets are handled


Fingernails are the topmost area from where germs are likely to enter the stomach. Make sure that your nails are trimmed at least once a week. Dirty nails contribute to the birth of bacteria and increase the risk of infection.

Ways to maintain personal hygiene

If you have not contended with the proper hygiene you are following presently and want to know the ways to maintain proper hygiene then the points mentioned below are given below and by following them you can be the best version of yourself:

Dental hygiene

For healthy dental hygiene, make sure to use fluoride toothpaste and change the toothbrush after two to three months. Brush your teeth properly and not in a hurry.

Wash hands step-by-step

Here are some points on how to wash hands step-by-step:

  • First, wet your hands with clean water and turn off the tap after soap is applied.
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them with the soap. Ensure to rub the hands to the backside as well. Also, apply soap, between the fingers and under the nails.
  • Scrub your hands for a few seconds
  • Rinse your hands properly under the running water.
  • Now, dry your hands with a towel or with dry air.


We all like to possess a good and attractive body and this attraction when amalgamated with hygiene will produce effective results. Thus, take a bath every day using soap and water. Also, keep in mind, to clean the parts such as armpits, an area between the toes, groin area, etc neatly. Apply shampoo to your hair at least twice a week. Once this is done, apply deodorant with a mild smell to prevent the bad odor.

Toenails and fingernails

Trim your nails as per the requirement. The more you keep your nails trimmed, the more you keep your body healthy. Ensure that dirt does not stick underneath the nails. Also, scrub the nail’s underside with the nail brush.

Give attention to the hygiene of private parts

Besides hands, nails, body, and hair, it is equally important to maintain menstrual and genital hygiene. Change the sanitary products on a regular basis. Wash hands after changing the sanitary pads or any other sanitary product. Give time to self-cleaning of the vagina.

Use mild soap and water to clean the vagina at least once a day. Males must clean their penis by gently pulling back the foreskin and then washing the underneath with mild soap and water.

Teach children the importance of hygiene habits

It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to make their children learn the importance of hygienic habits. This should be taught from an early age. For instance, let them brush their teeth from an early age say one year. As soon as the gaps between the child’s teeth get closed, start using the dental floss.

Factors impacting the hygiene

Here are some key factors impacting the hygiene:

  • Lack of clean water and poverty affect personal hygiene
  • A mentally healthy person will give the best care to the body. Those who are living under conditions such as psychotic disorder, depression, or drug or alcohol disorder may not be able to pay attention to their health.
  • A person in depression fails to give care to the body. Depression results in reduced energy levels, impaired cognitive function, etc.