How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

There are many people who feel uncomfortable in speaking in front of many. Whether it is a big audience or a small audience, people may sweat or get nervous when it comes to talking to others. Public speaking is a skill that one should master as it will help you in many stances of life.

If you want to make your career and want to feel comfortable on a public and personal level then this article will help you a lot. Despite the fears, you can know how to overcome the fear of public speaking. Learn the facts and tips to know the way to speak in front of others.

If you still feel a problem in public speaking you can take the help of an expert and enroll yourself in a public speaking course.

Reasons for being afraid of public speaking

Here are some essential reasons why people get afraid of public speaking:

  • Anxiety is a common feature that makes you nervous to talk in front of an audience.
  • The physical symptoms include difficulty in breathing, nausea, sweat, or dizziness. You might get uncontrollable and fail to start the speech or make eye-to-eye contact.
  • Many people prefer to learn relaxation techniques before taking public speaking sessions.
  • There are other methods as well when it comes to overcoming fear, but it is effective for those who suffer from several types of anxiety like phobia.
  • Understand the importance of positive thinking to reach public speaking goals.

Tips to know how to overcome the fear of public speaking

Find out the ways to get released from the fear of speaking in public and try to step out of your comfort zone.

Make a good preparation

A fear of speaking in public is due to not making preparations when you are going out to speak in public. One of the best things is to be organized to feel confident speaking in front of others. Make notes and underline the main points to speak about in public. Plan how to begin the speech and grab the attention of the audience. Once you attain the audience’s attention in the first few seconds, it will be easy for you to acquire the attention.

Use visual aids and technology

You may include visual aids and the latest technology when it comes to speaking in public. If you are familiar with a laptop, tablet, or computer, use the screen or projector to show the different things related to the topic.

You can ask questions from your audience this will help you to know what your audience is expecting from you. If there is a podium or microphone, use it. Check everything backstage before starting the speech.


Practice before speaking in the public. Write the script and read it word by word before finally speaking in public. One of the best ways to combat public fear is to prepare your speech very well. This will help you to answer the possible questions with ease.

Perform in front of the mirror

Stand in front of the mirror and practice the speech as if you are talking to the audience. If you want to overcome the stage fear, then work on your facial expressions, gestures, body movements, etc. This will bring your best appearance on stage.

Record your voice

You can improve your speaking skills by recording the speech. After recording your voice, listen to it carefully. This way you will come to know where you are lacking behind. Believe me, once you do this, it will be easy for you to know how to overcome the fear of public speaking. Set up the camera of the phone and record your speech, record yourself, and see how you are conversing with your audience.

Find someone to review your presentation

Sometimes, we fail to find our mistakes but others can judge us better. It would be helpful for you if someone reviewed your speech and presentation. Find someone you trust, this will provide you with the best feedback. This tip is based on exposure therapy, which helps remove your fear of speaking in public.

Exercise before speaking

One of the essential tips to resolve public speaking anxiety is to exercise before speaking. Exercise is the main factor behind success in speaking publically. It leads to creativity, increases blood flow, and increases the level of energy.

Add Up visual aid to recall points

Use visual aids such as PowerPoint which could be the best addition to the speech. They also provide you with cues about what you speak about. This will help you not creep in anxiety.

Drink water in between the speech

Make sure to prepare a glass of water on your table. Avoid using sugary beverages before speaking in public as they may dry your mouth. Also, drink water throughout the day and keep yourself hydrated.

The tips mentioned above and many more like meditation and breathing exercises will be the answer for how to overcome the fear of public speaking.