Cybersecurity for Women: How to Protect Your Online Presence?

Online work is the top priority everywhere. All of us are connected to the online world in one way or the other. Women also perform online activities everyday but with a lot of pressure on them about the security of their online presence. In the internet era, every woman looks for an answer on Cybersecurity for Women: How to protect your online presence.

Importance of Online Presence

It is crucial to be online for personal and professional reasons. The online presence comprises of personal as well as financial information such as your name, address, security number, password, and bank details. This information should not to in wrong hands otherwise; it may lead to cause devastating situations such as online theft and fraud situations. Besides this, female internet users experience more cybercrime than men. This article comes up with different ideas so that women all over the world can protect their online presence and boost confidence.

  • Create Strong and Unique Password: The first defensive measure against cybercrime and to protect your online presence is to create a strong and unique password. Cybercriminals use the software to crack the password, so it is essential to create the password which is strong and difficult to crack. As a recommendation, make a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Along with this, avoid using easy to guess dates, days, and etc. Therefore, go for creating passwords for each online account.
  • Go for 2FA: To be more protective, use Two-Factor Authentication which adds an extra layer of security to your account. Suppose, a hacker gets your password, he/she won’t be able to access the account without two factor authentication. By using two factor authentications, you can easily protect your identity.
  • Update your Software at the Regular Interval: Cybersecurity is extremely important for everyone and women cannot neglect it at all. Cybercriminals develop the new ideas to violate the systems. They have brainy software developers to create the tools that can make out your passwords in a few seconds. Thus, it is advised to update your operating system, browser, and applications time to time and to stay away from hackers.
  • Be alert of Phishing Attempts: The most common tactic used by cybercriminals is phishing to reveal women’s online presence and thereafter revealing the sensitive information from your PC and mobile. They may share an email with you that look like being sent from a known person such as your bank, to confirm the account details. In such a situation, double check the source and do not click or download the link.
  • A Reliable Security Suite is a Need: Women usually asks Cybersecurity for Women: How to Protect Your Online Presence? The simple thing to do is to use a security suite such as anti malware, antivirus and firewall protection to protect the online presence. Internet marketplace is loaded with various such suites you can choose a reliable one to overcome the threats takes place online.
  • Make you share the right thing Online: Be mindful when sharing photos, videos and any other information at social media sites. And once the information is shared online can’t take back. So, think twice when you are posting anything online.
  • Public Wi-Fi Networks are not safe: It is tempting to use free public Wi-Fi networks at places like airport, restaurants, hotels, etc. They are far away from the security measures and make the hotspots for cybercriminals. Attackers cane make out data which is transmitted on these networks and attain access to the personal as well as financial information. It is thus advised to use VPN or virtual private network while using the public Wi-Fi. A VPN can encrypt your data and make it unreadable to anyone who might try to seize it. Therefore, by using a VPN, you are giving an extra layer of protection to your online data.

The Final Word

Today, we all are extremely busy however; we try to connect with each other through the online mode. Cybersecurity is the need for everyone however, more for women due to the increasing cases of sexual harassment etc. In such a scenario, Cybersecurity for Women: How to Protect Your Online Presence is the most asked question. It begin with creating the strong password, enabling 2 FA, updating the software, being alert while sharing the information online, using the security suites, avoiding using public Wi-Fi. Taking such security measures, you can enjoy the online activities with peace of mind.