Toxic Personality Traits You Should Know And Avoid

If you have a Toxic personality then you are not able to have a good personality which everyone likes. It will also affect your personal growth and professional growth too. Here are some points which will help you to know that you have a toxic personality or not and if you have then what should you do to improve yourself.

Toxic Personality Traits

Here are some toxic personality traits which you should avoid with it’s solution and become a better person.

Not Speaking Out 

If we want to communicate with someone we have to speak with them but people who have toxic personalities don’t like to talk with anyone and people don’t like that kind of person.

Not Speaking out can look like this:

  • During meetings (office, personal, family, etc..) you stay quiet even when you have a lot of things in your mind like ideas and solutions to some problem which can help.
  •  At parties you don’t interact and hold back yourself.
  • On holiday vacations you don’t like interacting with others.

Solution: You can try Public Speaking Training. It will definitely help you and then you can also share your thoughts, ideas, feelings and you can speak publicly.

Lacks Self-Awareness

Someone who lacks self-awareness is not able to understand their own thoughts, feelings or emotions and then they even don’t know how to handle that. These kind of people only wanted to be a center of attention

Lacks of self-awareness can look like this:

  • Have to be center of attention
  • Believe that they are always right about everything.
  • Make negative comments.
  • They can’t identify their own strengths and weaknesses.

Solution: Enroll yourself in Personality Development Training and become the best version of yourself. With the help of personality development training you are able to know about yourself better and be able to work on yourself and be the best version of yourself.

They don’t listen to you 

Toxic person

Some people don’t listen too much to others and only talk about themselves and they think that they talk less than others, talking less and more both are not a good thing and especially when you only share your thoughts but don’t listen to others. 

Being a good listener is also a most important part of anyone’s personality. Communication is a two way process.

When one is speaking other one is listening and then listener speak and react according to topic if only one person is speaking then it’s a speech or a lecture not a conversation.

It can look like:

  • Only talk about themselves
  • Cut others conversation in middle
  • These kinds of people only talk and don’t pay attention to listen.
  • They are like me, me and I type of person.

Solution for this : You should enroll yourself in some Communication Skills Training. It will improve your communication skills. With the help of communication skills training you can be a good listener and a speaker too. 

If you have communication skills then you are able to become a good team player and a leader.


toxic lying person

Toxic people often lie to people even for small things to protect them self and if you do this it’s not good for your personality and people also start maintaining distance from you because you lie.

Lying can look like this:

  • Dishonest about something.
  • If you did something wrong and didn’t accept that.
  • Lie and blame someone else for your mistake.

Solution: There is only one solution stop lying and work on yourself

Refusing to Apologize

Toxic people never apologize for their mistakes, they always refuse to apologize and even sometimes these kinds of people also become rude to other people and act like it’s not their fault. If you do this please stop doing this it will only make your personality worse.

It can look like:

  • Not accepting your mistakes
  • Refusing to apologize.
  • Blame someone else for your mistake.

Solution: The only thing you can do is start accepting and apologizing if you do something wrong and if you think that people will love you and if you do that you look like a very humble person.

Negative Self-Talk

People who do negative self-talk are not able to grow in their life. They talk bad about themselves all the time and then attract that kind of energy around them. People will also not like to spend their time with you if you do this, stop it immediately. 

Negative self-talk only makes your personality dull. It can be look like:

  • Negative self-talking people are able to see only negativity.
  • Make bad comments about themself.
  • They think they are worth less.
  • Not able to see good in themselves.

Solution for this: You can do yoga, meditation, do some affirmation daily in front of a mirror and say good and best lines to yourself which motivates you, listen to good music, do therapy, attend some kind of personality development courses, etc..


Abusing people is not a good habit and it’s a toxic trait too of anyone’s personality. If you abuse anyone with or without any reason it will only make your personality look bad. 

If you talk respectfully with everyone in every situation and don’t lose your self control people will praise you for this habit. So if you use abusive language don’t do that.

Abusive person can look like:

  • Often use abusive language.
  • Didn’t care about others’ emotions.
  • These people think if they abuse someone in a jock they look cool.
  • Anger issues.

Solution for this: Stop using that language, change your surroundings because it also impacts.

There are many more traits too of toxic personality but you should recognize them and start working on them to improve your personality and life.